Consensus Society / 共识社会
Consensus Society
1. 道策:认知先行,行为随至。
2. 法策:尊重事实,积极改善。
3. 营策:润物无声,水到渠成。
预防针: (1)专业外行,很少使用专业术语或引用专家观点; (2)凭直觉写的文章需要凭直觉来看; (3)内行读者,建议摘下专业眼镜,裸👀看更好。 Reader Vaccination: (1) The author is a professional layman, rarely using professional terms or citing expert opinions; (2) Articles written by intuition need to be read intuitively; (3) For experts, it is recommended to take off professional glasses and read with naked eyes.